Welcome to GLAAS API documentation. This page provides detailed information about API-as-a-service offerings in the GLAAS platform. GLAAS platform provides APIs to build and embed financial products in any digital platform.
GLAAS APIs are built around REST. It uses standard HTTP verbs and response code. JSON-encoded responses are returned back to the client.
We will continue to update/add new APIs to cater to new use cases in a more seamless fashion. If you have any specific needs or feedback, do reach out to us at shailesh@gromor.in , sumanth.bharadwaj@gromor.in
Base URL
We use dedicated URLs for different environments.
Production :
Auth URL - https://accounts.glaas.co
Base URL - https://jportal.glaas.co/api
Sandbox :
Auth URL - https://accounts.dev.glaas.co
Base URL - https:// < partnerID > .dev.glaas.co
HTTP Verbs
Standard HTTP Verbs are used across all the APIs to indicate the request method.
GET To retrieve a resource or collection of resources
POST To create a resource or collection of resources
PUT To replace or modify an existing resource.
Error Codes
We use standard HTTP error codes.
Authentication to APIs are performed through HTTP Basic Auth. User needs to provide the username and password and the authentication API will return a session token as response which will be used for all subsequent API calls. Please find the details of the request and response in the Authentication .
POST | |
Headers | Content-Type : application/json |
sessionId : < session ID / Access Token > |
Request Body
Name | Type | Description | Mandatory | Validations |
username | String | Yes | ||
password | String | Yes |
Example Request
"username" : "user123",
"password" : "pass123"
Response Body
Status | Response Body | ||
Name | Type | Description | |
200 | sessionId | String | session ID / Access Token |
username | String | The username field of User Object | |
user | User |
Example Response
"sessionId": "547cf7b5-9395-435d-a0bd-346d7c7ba5d3",
"username": "system",
"redirectPath": null,
"username": "system",
"firstName": "System",
"lastName": "User",
"mobile": ",
"email": "_@_._",
"userid": 22,
"role": null,
"fcmId": null,
"caAgentId": null,
"partnerId": 0,
"imId": null,
"collectionFcmId": null,
"password": null,
"createdDate": 1626937461039,
"id": null,
"status": null
Create Application
Creates a loan application in the system and returns the corresponding unique identifier requestFlowId associated with the application
POST | |
Headers | Content-Type : application/json |
sessionId : < session ID / Access Token > | |
Parameters | sessionId : < session ID / Access Token > |
Request Body
Name | Type | Description | Mandatory | Validations |
applicationNumber | String | The optional application number used by the GLAAS partners | No | Max Length : 50 |
purpose | Working Capital | Personal Loan | Equipment Finance | Expansion Capital | Loan purpose | Yes | ENUM |
loanAmount | Numeric | The requested loan amount | Yes | |
source | String | Source of the application. | Yes | Max Length : 50 |
loanProductId | Numeric | Unique id of the Loan product | Yes | |
contacts | Contact | List of contacts | Yes | |
firms | Firm | List of firms | Yes | |
proposalDetail | ProposalDetail | Loan specific terms and conditions approved by the lender. | Yes |
Example Request
"contacts" : [
"addressLine1":"No 123",
"accountType":"Saving Account",
"firmName":"Abc Pvt Ltd",
"firmType":"Private Limited",
"addressLine1":"No 1",
"addressLine2":"Street 1",
"addressLine3":"Area 1",
"landmark":"Landmark 1",
"accountType":"Saving Account",
"purpose":"Working Capital",
Response Body
Status | Response Body | ||
Name | Type | Description | |
200 | SuccessMessage | ApplicationSuccessMessage | Application is successfully created |
400 | ErrorMessage | ApplicationErrorMessage | Application is not created due to bad request |
Example Response
"message":"Application is successfully created"
"Invalid dob details",
"Invalid firm bank details"
Upload Document
Generic API to upload different types and/or formats of documents
POST | |
Headers | Content-Type : application/json |
sessionId : < session ID / Access Token> | |
Parameters | requestFlowId : Unique id of the application |
sessionId : < session ID / Access Token> |
Request Body
Name | Type | Description | Mandatory | Validations |
< No Name > | String | The location of the File has to be the form data in the request. | N |
Example Request
"curl --location --request
--form '=@"
Response Body
Status | Response Body | ||
Name | Type | Description | |
200 | documentUpload Responses |
[DocumentUpload Response] |
The document is successfully uploaded in the server |
Example Response
"documentSource": https://entd.s3.amazonaws.com/34fead5f-8dcd-4a31-a02c-2f17619c896b.jpg"
"fields": [
"value":"Axis Bank",
POST | |
Headers | Content-Type : application/json |
sessionId : < session ID / Access Token > | |
Parameters | sessionId : < session ID / Access Token > |
Request Body
Name | Type | Description | Mandatory | Validations |
requestFlowId | Numeric | Unique id of the application | Y | |
docName | LOAN_DOCUMENT | Document Name | Y | ENUM |
Example Request
"requestFlowId": ",
"docName" : "LOAN_DOCUMENT"
Response Body
Status | Response Body | Description |
200 | Pdf file | The downloadable data is sent to client as response |
Create Loan
Loan Creation API will create the loan object once the application is processed and credit disbursement is done.
PUT | |
Headers | Content-Type : application/json |
sessionId : < session ID / Access Token > | |
Parameters | requestFlowId path : Unique id of the application |
sessionId : < session ID / Access Token > |
Request Body
Name | Type | Description | Mandatory | Validations |
accountNumber | String | Disbursement account number | N | |
netAmount | Numeric | Disbursement amount | Y | |
disbursementDate | DateTime | Disbursement date | Y | Format : DD/MM/YYYY |
upfrontRate | Decimal | Upfront rate | N | |
invoiceNumber | String | Invoice Number | N | The invoice number shall be unique for each loan/sub-loan |
Example Request
"accountNumber": 107924346722,
"netAmount": 48250,
"disbursementDate": “2020-08-26 00:00:00”,
Response Body
Status | Response Body | ||
Name | Type | Description | |
200 | Loan | Loan | Loan object is successfully created. |
Example Response
"proposal" :
"firm" :
"name":"Vishal firm pvt ltd",
"type":"Private Limited",
"loanStructure" :
"name":"EXI Term Loan",
"prioritizeCreditBureaus" :
"creditBureau" :
"loanProduct" :
"name":"Vishal firm pvt ltd",
Line sanction
Line sanction API is to acknowledge the verification and approval of proposal. It will create a line for the requestFlowId. It allows batch requestFlowId sanctions.
POST | /lms/sanctionLine |
Headers | Content-Type : application/json |
sessionId : < session ID / Access Token > | |
Parameters | sessionId : < session ID / Access Token > |
Request Body
Name | Type | Description | Mandatory | Validations |
requestFlowIds | [Numerics] | Unique id of the application | Y |
Example Request
"requestFlowIds" :
Response Body
Status | Response Body | ||
Name | Type | Description | |
200 | < No Name > | [LineSanctionResponse] | The decision on Line requests are made |
Example Response
"message":"Application has been successfully sanctioned"
Line Details
Provide point-in-time snapshot of the line status of all the requestFlowIds mentioned in the request.
POST | |
Headers | Content-Type : application/json |
sessionId : < session ID / Access Token > | |
Parameters | sessionId : < session ID / Access Token > |
Request Body
Name | Type | Description | Mandatory | Validations |
requestFlowIds | [Numeric] | Unique id of the application | Y | |
paymentDate | Date | Date of payment | Y | Format : DD/MM/YYYY |
Example Request
"requestFlowIds" : [
"paymentDate": "01/03/2021"
Response Body
Status | Response Body | ||
Name | Type | Description | |
200 | LineDetails | [LineDetails] | The Line details of requested applications are provided on specific payment date |
Example Response
Line Disbursement
The API will create a transaction in the system for each requestFlowId with the corresponding amount. It also triggers internal audit APIs for proper auditing of all the successful transactions.
POST | |
Headers | Content-Type : application/json |
sessionId : < session ID / Access Token > | |
Parameters | sessionId : < session ID / Access Token > |
Request Body
Name | Type | Description | Mandatory | Validations |
< No Name > | [LineDisbursement] | List of objects having disbursement information | Y |
Example Request
"requestFlowId": 12356,
"netAmount": 48543.0,
"uid": o6BLX,
"date": "29/07/2020",
"tenure": 3
Response Body
Status | Response Body | ||
Name | Type | Description | |
200 | < No Name > | [LineDisbursement Response] |
Disbursement is done for all the applications |
Example Response
"requestFlowId": 11234,
"uid": 06GHD,
"status": "Accepted",
"message": "Successfully sanctioned"
The APIs are called on successful credit of EMI or any other payment in the lender's bank account. This API will map the bank transactions with the LMS system.
POST | |
Headers | Content-Type : application/json |
sessionId : < session ID / Access Token > | |
Parameters | sessionId : < session ID / Access Token > |
Request Body
Name | Type | Description | Mandatory | Validations |
< No Name > | [LoanRepaymentDetail] | List of repayment informations | Y |
Example Request
"callBackUrl": " ",
"requestFlowId": 12335,
"amount": 30000,
"type": "PF",
"paymentMode": "NACH",
"date": "28/08/2019",
"comment":" ",
"uid": "o8GHJ",
Response Body
Status | Response Body | ||
Name | Type | Description | |
200 | LineRepayment Responses |
[LoanRepaymentResponse] | Repayment information has been successfully added to the system |
Example Response
"requestFlowId": "46547",
"status": "Accepted",
"message": "Your request has been submitted successfully",
"uid": "cc24"
POST | |
Headers | Content-Type : application/json |
sessionId : < session ID / Access Token > | |
Parameters | sessionId : < session ID / Access Token > |
Request Body
Name | Type | Description | Mandatory | Validations |
< No Name > | [LineRepayment] | List of repayment informations | Y |
Example Request
"callBackUrl": " ",
"requestFlowId": 12345,
"amount": 10000,
"type": "PF",
"paymentMode": "UPI",
"date": "22/10/2019",
"comment":" ",
"uid": "cc345",
Response Body
Status | Response Body | ||
Name | Type | Description | |
200 | LineRepayment Statuses |
[LineRepaymentResponse] | Repayment information has been successfully added to the system |
Example Response
"requestFlowId": "46547",
"status": "Accepted",
"message": "Your request has been submitted successfully",
"uid": "cc24"
POST | |
Headers | Content-Type : application/json |
sessionId : < session ID / Access Token > | |
Parameters | sessionId : < session ID / Access Token > |
Request Body
Name | Type | Description | Mandatory | Validations |
uid | [uid] | unique ids of Repayment | Y |
Example Request
Response Body
Status | Response Body | ||
Name | Type | Description | |
200 | LineRepayment Statuses |
[LineRepaymentStatusResponse] | Success |
Example Response
"requestFlowId": 46449,
"amount": 110.0,
"paymentMode": "NACH",
"date": "18/03/2021",
"comment": "cc",
"uid": "cc24",
"requestFlowId": 46449,
"amount": 110.0,
"paymentMode": "NACH",
"date": "18/03/2021",
"comment": "cc",
"uid": "cc25",
"status": "ACCEPTED"
GET | |
Headers | Content-Type : application/json |
sessionId : < session ID / Access Token > | |
Parameters | loanId path : Loan Id |
sessionId : < session ID / Access Token > |
Response Body
Status | Response Body | ||
Name | Type | Description | |
200 | id | Default Mongo DB generated id | Object having id related information |
loanId | Numeric | Loan Id | |
requestFlowId | Numeric | Unique id of the application | |
principal_schedule | [RepaymentSchedule] | Object having installment schedule information | |
deleted | Boolean | ||
subLoanId | Numeric | sub-loan id for LoC products |
Example Response
"id" :
"principal_schedule" :
Name | Type | Description | Mandatory | Validations |
addressLine1 | String | House No / Street | Y | Max Length : 500 |
addressLine2 | String | Area / Locality | N | Max Length : 500 |
addressLine3 | String | City / State / Country | N | Max Length : 500 |
landmark | String | Popular landmark in the nearby locality. |
N | Max Length : 500 |
pincode | String | Postal Index Number | Y | Length : 6 |
addressType | Permanent | Present | Type of address | Y | ENUM |
addressStatus | Owned | Rented | Spouse Owned | Parent Owned | Leased |
Ownership of address | Y | ENUM |
primaryAddress | Boolean | Whether the address is primary address or not | Y | Boolean |
Name | Type | Description | Mandatory | Validations |
status | HTTP error code | HTTP error codes to mention the reasons for not creating the application |
Y | |
message | [String] | The list of error reasons. |
Y |
Name | Type | Description | Mandatory | Validations |
requestFlowId | Numeric | Unique id of the application | Y | |
message | String | Custom message that will be sent to the client on successful creation of application |
N |
Name | Type | Description | Mandatory | Validations |
bankId | Numeric | Bank Id which needs to be selected from Bank API response |
Y | |
accountNumber | String | Account number | Y | Max Length : 50 |
ifscCode | String | IFSC code of the branch | Y | Max Length : 20 |
accountType | Saving Account | Current Account | Overdraft Account | Cash Credit Account |
Type of account | Y | ENUM |
accountHolderName | String | Name of account holder |
N | Max Length : 100 |
disbusermentAccount | Boolean | To specify whether the loan amount has to be disbursed to this bank account |
N | One of the bank details should be True |
repaymentAccount | Boolean | To specify whether to register this bank account to be used for loan repayments |
N |
Name | Type | Description | Mandatory | Validations |
firstName | String | First Name | Y | Max Length : 100 |
middleName | String | Middle Name | N | Max Length : 100 |
lastName | String | Last Name | Y | Max Length : 100 |
panNumber | String | PAN card number | Y | Length : 10 |
voterIdNumber | String | Voter Id number | N | Length : 20 |
aadharNumber | String | Aadhar Card Number | N | Length : 12 |
passportNumber | String | Passport number | N | Max Length : 100 |
mobileNumber | String | Mobile Number | Y | Length : 10 |
alternateMobileNumber | String | Alternative mobile Number | N | Length : 10 |
emailId | String | Email Id | N | Max Length : 100 |
applicantType | Borrower | Co-borrower | By Association |
Type of application | Y | ENUM |
gender | Male | Female | Gender | Y | ENUM |
dob | Date | Date of birth | Y | Format : DD/MM/YYYY |
maritalStatus | Single | Married | Marital status | N | ENUM |
address | [Address] | List of multiple address of the contact |
Y | |
bankDetails | [BankDetail] | List of bank details of the contact |
Y |
Name | Type | Description | Mandatory | Validations |
createdDate | Timestamp | |||
createdBy | Numeric | ID of the user | ||
id | Numeric | Unique id | ||
name | String | Name of credit bureau. For eg: CIBIL |
Name | Type | Description | Mandatory | Validations |
priority | Numeric | Sequence of priority | ||
creditBureau | [CreditBureau] |
Name | Type | Description |
requestFlowId | Numeric | Unique id of the application |
version | Numeric | Document version |
createdDate | Timestamp | |
modifiedDate | Timestamp | |
createdBy | Numeric | The user id of the user uploading the document |
modifiedBy | Numeric | The user id of the user modifying the document |
id | Numeric | Document id |
gfile | File | File object having document type and storage information |
deleted | Boolean | Whether the document is deleted or not |
Name | Type | Description | Mandatory | Validations |
version | Numeric | File version | Y | |
createdDate | Timestamp | Y | ||
modifiedDate | Timestamp | Y | ||
deleted | Boolean | Whether the file is deleted or not | Y | |
createdBy | Numeric | The user id of the user creating the file | Y | |
id | Numeric | File id | Y | |
documentName | String | Name of the document stored | Y | |
uploadDocumentType | Numeric | Type of the document uploaded | Y | |
documentType | Numeric | < To be deprecated > | Y | |
documentSource | String | Storage location of the document | Y | |
ocrJson | FileOCRData | Data extracted from OCR | N |
Name | Type | Description | Mandatory | Validations |
tag | Numeric | Type of the document uploaded | Y | |
error | [OCRFields] | List of all the errors in case on OCR parsing failure | Y | |
time | Decimal | Time taken to process the document | Y | |
fields | [OCRFields] | List of all the data extracted in the document | Y |
Name | Type | Description | Mandatory | Validations |
firmName | String | Firm Name | Y | Max Length : 100 |
firmType | Partnership | Proprietorship | Private Limited | LLP | Others | Firm Type | Y | ENUM |
cinNumber | String | Company registration number | N | Length : 21 |
gstnNumber | String | GSTN Number | N | Length : 15 |
panNumber | String | PAN card number | N | Length : 10 |
yearOfIncorporation | String | Company registration date | Y | Format : yyyy |
tanNumber | String | TAN number | N | Length : 10 |
address | [Address] | List of multiple address of the Firm | Y | |
bankDetails | [BankDetail] | List of bank details of the Firm | Y |
Name | Type | Description | Mandatory | Validations |
requestFlowId | Numeric | Unique id of the application | Y | |
sub_loans | [SubLoan] | List of all the active subloans associated with an application. Serviced/Closed sub-loan details are not available in this API. | Y | |
limit_available | Numeric | The amount that can be drawn | Y | |
limit_utilized | Numeric | The amount that has already been utilized | Y | |
limit_sanctioned | Numeric | The max eligible amount | Y | |
limit_sanctioned | Numeric | Total defaulted amount (cumulative of all Lines) | Y | |
limit_sanctioned | Numeric | Total outstanding principal component. (cumulative of all Lines) | Y | |
payment_date | Date | Date of payment present in the request | Y | Format : DD/MM/YYYY |
total_interest _charges_overdue |
Numeric | Interest component defaulted. (cumulative of all Lines) | Y |
Name | Type | Description | Mandatory | Validations |
requestFlowId | Numeric | Unique id of the application | Y | |
netAmount | Numeric | Actual amount to be disbursed excluding all the fees withheld. | Y | |
uid | String | Loan invoice number | Y | |
date | Date | Date of disbursement | Y | Format : DD/MM/YYYY |
tenure | Numeric | Tenure of Line in days | N |
Name | Type | Description | Mandatory | Validations |
requestFlowId | Numeric | Unique id of the application | Y | |
uid | String | Loan invoice number | Y | |
status | Accepted | Rejected | Disbursement Status | Y | |
message | String | Descriptive message of the disbursement status | Y |
Name | Type | Description | Mandatory | Validations |
callBackUrl | String | Y | ||
repaymentDetails | [LoanRepaymentDetail] | Repayment Details | Y |
Name | Type | Description | Mandatory | Validations |
requestFlowId | Numeric | Unique id of the application | Y | |
uid | String | Unique id of repayment | Y | |
status | Accepted | Rejected | Decision on whether the repayment is accepted or not | Y | ENUM |
message | String | Descriptive message of the decision | Y |
Name | Type | Description | Mandatory | Validations |
requestFlowId | Numeric | Unique id of the application | Y | |
amount | Decimal | Repayment amount | Y | |
paymentMode | CHEQUE | UPI | NACH | Payment Mode | Y | ENUM |
date | Date | Date of payment | Y | Format : DD/MM/YYYY |
comment | String | Comment related to repayment | Y | |
uid | String | Loan invoice number | Y | |
status | String | Repayment Status | Y | ENUM |
Name | Type | Description | Mandatory | Validations |
requestFlowId | Numeric | Unique id of the application | Y | |
status | Accepted | Rejected | Decision on whether the line is accepted or not | Y | ENUM |
message | String | Descriptive message of the decision | Y |
Name | Type | Description | Mandatory | Validations |
createdDate | Timestamp | |||
createdBy | Numeric | user id of the user creating the loan | ||
id | Numeric | Loan id | ||
proposal | proposal | Proposal Object | ||
disbursementDate | Timestamp | |||
dpdStatus | < To be deprecated > | |||
dpdStatus | < To be deprecated > | |||
dpdDate | < To be deprecated > | |||
completed | 1 | 0 | To indicate whether the loan is serviced and closed or not | ||
status | Numeric | id of loan status. This shall be deprecated. | ||
documentSent | Boolean | Loan Document is sent to client or not | ||
documentReceived | Boolean | Loan Document is received from client or not | ||
signedDocument | Boolean | Loan Document is signed or not | ||
disbursementAccount | Boolean | Whether the amount is disbursed into the disbursement account or not. | ||
isTdsWithheld | Boolean | Whether to deduct TDS or not | ||
isRepaymentSchedule Accepted |
Boolean | Customer has accepted the repayment schedule or not | ||
requestFlowId | Numeric | Unique id of the application | ||
firm | Firm | Firm object | ||
loanStatus | NEW | SERVICED | Status of the loan | ENUM | |
deferredDate | Timestamp | Date of delayed installment payment. | ||
loan_commission | Decimal | Loan commission for the partner | ||
followUpDate | Timestamp | Follow up date for collection (internal use) | Format | |
collectionAssignee | Numeric | user id of collection agent | ||
secondaryCollection Assignee |
Numeric | user id of secondary collection agent | ||
relationshipManager | Numeric | user id of Loan Manager | ||
collectionManager | Numeric | user id of Collection Manger | ||
irr | Decimal | Internal rate return (IRR) - Only for serviced loans | ||
loanClosureDate | Timestamp | Loan closure date | ||
settementDate | Timestamp | Loan settlement date | ||
writeOffDate | Timestamp | Loan write off date | ||
loanRestructureDate | Timestamp | Loan restructure date | ||
paymentMode | NACH | CHEQUE | SELF_PAY | ASSISTED | Payment mode | ENUM | |
subloanId | String | id of sub loan object. (Only for Line of credit products) | ||
invoiceNo | String | Invoice Number (Only for Line of Credit product) | ||
upfrontRate | Decimal | Upfront rate (Only for Line of Credit product) | ||
tenure | Numeric | Tenure of the sub-loan in days (Only for Line of Credit product) | ||
roi | Decimal | Rate of interest for sub-loan (Only for Line of Credit product) | ||
processingInvoiceNo | String | Processing fee invoice number | ||
isWelcomeEmailSent | Boolean | Welcome email is sent to the customer or not |
Name | Type | Description | Mandatory | Validations |
createdDate | Timestamp | |||
createdBy | Numeric | ID of the user | ||
id | Numeric | ID of loan product / loan structure | ||
name | String | Name | ||
requiredValue | Numeric | |||
productType | SECURED | UNSECURED | Product type | ENUM | |
productCapMax Limit |
Decimal | Max limit on this product | ||
productCapMin Limit |
Decimal | Min limit on this product | ||
defaultPayment Type |
PaymentType | Payment Type | ||
omnifinId | Numeric | |||
prioritizeCredit Bureaus |
CreditBureauPrioritySchema | Sequence of credit bureaus to fetch the information | ||
bankId | Numeric | Bank ID | ||
repaymentType | PaymentType | Payment Type |
Name | Type | Description | Mandatory | Validations |
requestFlowId | Numeric | Unique id of the application | Y | |
amount | Decimal | Amount | Y | |
type | PF | INS | service | Payment Type | Y | |
paymentMode | CHEQUE | UPI | NACH | Payment Mode | Y | ENUM |
date | Date | Payment Date | Y | Format : DD/MM/YYYY |
comment | String | Inflow Comment | N | |
uid | String | Unique id of repayment | N | |
loanId | Numeric | Loan Id | N |
Name | Type | Description | Mandatory | Validations |
id | Numeric | Inflow id | Y | |
loan_id | Numeric | Loan Id | Y | |
request_flow _id |
Numeric | Unique id of the application | Y | |
amount | Numeric | Repayment amount | Y | |
date | Timestamp | Repayment date | Y | |
type | PF | INS | service | Payment Type | Y | ENUM |
agent_id | Numeric | Id of collection agent | Y | |
comment | String | Additioanal comment on repayment | Y | |
payment_mode | String | Payment mode | Y | ENUM |
created_date | Timestamp | Y | ||
modified_date | Timestamp | Y | ||
uid | Numeric | Unique id of repayments | Y | |
taxes | < To be deprecated > | N | ||
fiz_type | Inflow Type | Y | ENUM | |
version Numeric | Y | |||
deleted | 0 | 1 | Y | ||
created_by | Numeric | The user id of the user initiating repayment | Y | |
modified_by | Numeric | The user id of the user modifying repayment | Y | |
deferred_date | Timestamp | Y | ||
application_id | Numeric | application id of the request flow object | Y | |
tds_deducted | Boolean | < To be deprecated > | Y | |
subloan_id | Numeric | sub-loan id for LoC products | Y |
Name | Type | Description | Mandatory | Validations |
key | String | Name of the field extracted | Y | |
value | String | Value of the field extracted | Y |
Name | Type | Description | Mandatory | Validations |
principal | Numeric | Principal component defaulted | Y | |
interest | Numeric | Interest component defaulted. | Y | |
penalty | Numeric | Penal charges | Y | |
charges | Numeric | Pother charges | Y | |
delayed_interest | Numeric | Delayed Interest charges | Y | |
penalty_gst | Numeric | GST for penal charges | Y | |
charge_gst | Numeric | GST for charges | Y | |
total_overdue | Numeric | Total (principal + interest) default amount | Y | |
total_interest _charges_overdue |
Numeric | Interest component defaulted | Y |
Name | Type | Description | Mandatory | Validations |
createdDate | Timestamp | |||
id | Numeric | Unique id of payment type | ||
typeOfPayment | String | Payment Type | ||
merchantId | String | Merchant (Partner) ID - production | ||
merchantKey | String | Merchant (Partner) Key - production | ||
devMerchantId | String | Merchant (Partner) ID - UAT | ||
devMerchantKey | String | Merchant (Partner) Key - UAT |
Name | Type | Description | Mandatory | Validations |
createdDate | Timestamp | |||
createdBy | Numeric | ID of the user creating the loan | ||
id | Numeric | Proposal id | ||
firm | Firm | |||
applicationId | Numeric | Application id associated with requestFlowId | ||
status | Numeric | Unique id of proposal status | ENUM | |
tenure | Numeric | Tenure of the proposal | ||
proposedAmount | Decimal | |||
penaltyPercentage | Decimal | Percentage of penalty on non compliance with repayment | ||
rateOfInterest | Decimal | Rate of Interest | ||
upfront_rate | Decimal | Percentage of upfront charges | ||
processingFess Percentage |
Decimal | Percentage of processing fee | ||
prepaymentPenalty Percentage |
Decimal | Additional interest rate on prepayment of loan | ||
loanType | String | Type of loan | ENUM | |
proposedEmi | Decimal | EMI proposed | ||
proposalSent Date |
Timestamp | Date of proposal sent to customer | ||
netDisbursal | Decimal | Net amount to be disbursed. (Deducting other charges mentioned in the proposal) | ||
gstApplicable | Boolean | GST is applicable for loan or not | ||
processingWith Held |
Boolean | Processing fee is applicable or not | ||
insurance | Decimal | Insurance amount | ||
insuranceWith Held |
Boolean | Insurance fee is applicable or not | ||
processingFeesGst | Boolean | GST is applicable on processing fee or not | ||
insuranceGst | Boolean | GST is applicable on insurance or not | ||
conditionsPrecedent | String | Conditions to be met before disbursing the loan | ||
finezzaCharges | Decimal | Penalty on payment bounce | ||
firstEmiDay | Numeric | Day of the month for EMI | ||
repaymentType | Monthly | Weekly | Daily | Fortnightly | Custom | Loan repayment mode | ENUM | |
fizLoanType | String | Type of loan | ||
preferredType | Boolean | |||
fizGstApplicable | Boolean | GST is applicable for loan or not | ||
fizProcessing WithHeld |
Boolean | Processing fee is applicable or not | ||
fizInsurance WithHeld |
Boolean | Insurance fee is applicable or not | ||
fizProcessing FeesGst |
Boolean | GST is applicable on processing fee or not | ||
fizInsuranceGst | Boolean | GST is applicable on insurance or not | ||
proposalStatus | String | Proposal status | ENUM | |
fizUpfrontInterest WithHeld |
Boolean | Upfront interest is applicable or not | ||
requestFlowId | Numeric | Unique ID of the application | ||
proposalAccept Date |
Timestamp | Date of Proposal accepted by customer | ||
nachLimit | Decimal | The max limit of NACH amount | ||
loanStructure | Loan Product | |||
loanProduct | Loan Product | |||
isFranking | Boolean | Franking charges are applicable or not | ||
numOfCoLender | Numeric | Number of lending partners | ||
peakAvailability Period |
Numeric | |||
paymentDelay | Decimal | |||
otherProposalInfo | ||||
disbursement WithINS |
Boolean | Insurance is applicable or not on disbursement | ||
customSchedule Details |
processingFee Amount |
Decimal | Processing fee | ||
latePaymentFee | Decimal | Penalty on late payment | ||
panaltyGrace Period |
Numeric | Grace period before incurring penalty | ||
delayedInterest | Decimal | Interest rate on delayed payment | ||
source | source | upFrontInterest | Decimal | rate of upfront interest |
Name | Type | Description | Mandatory | Validations |
tenure | Numeric | Validity of Loan / Line | Y | |
amountApproved | Numeric | Amount approved | Y | |
amountDisbursed | Numeric | Disbursed amount | N | |
upFrontInterest | Decimal | Upfront interest rate | N | |
penaltyPercentage | Decimal | Percentage of penalty on non compliance with repayment | Y | |
nachLimit | Numeric | The max limit of NACH amount | Y | |
roi | Decimal | Rate of interest per annum | Y | |
paymentMode | Cash| Cheque Deposit | Cheque Return | IMPS | NEFT | RTGS | NACH | UPI |Overflow Credit | Fund Transfer | Internal Transfer | Paytm | Mode of Payment | Y | ENUM |
proposalAcceptedDate | String | Proposal accepted date | Y | Format : DD/MM/YYYY |
insuranceAmount | Decimal | Insurance amount | N | |
processingFee | Decimal | Processing fee | N | |
loanType | EXI | OD_EXI | FLEXI_OD | CUSTOM | LINE | Loan Type | N | ENUM |
Name | Type | Description | Mandatory | Validations |
id | Numeric | Unique id of source | ||
source | String | Name of source | ||
codeName | String | Code name of source |
Name | Type | Description | Mandatory | Validations |
uid | String | Loan invoice number | Y | |
loan_id | Numeric | Loan ID | Y | |
next_installment_date | Date | Date of next installment | Y | Format : DD/MM/YYYY |
payment_date | Date | Date of payment present in the request | Y | Format : DD/MM/YYYY |
closure_date | Date | Date of sub-loan closure | Y | Format : DD/MM/YYYY |
closure_amount | String | The amount to be paid to close the subloan | Y | |
installment | Numeric | Installment Amount | Y | |
pos | Numeric | Principal outstanding of sub-loan | Y | |
dpd | Numeric | Dues past days | Y | |
overdue | Overdue | Overdue Object | Y |
Name | Type | Description | Mandatory | Validations |
username | String | User name | Y | |
firstName | String | First Name | Y | |
lastName | String | Last Name | Y | |
mobile | String | Mobile Number | Y | |
String | Email Id | Y | ||
role | String | Role of the user in the system. | N | |
fcmId | N | |||
caAgentId | N | |||
partnerId | Numeric | Unique IDs given to GLAAS partners | N | |
imId | Numeric | Identity Manager user ID | N | |
collectionFcmId | N | |||
createdDate | Timestamp | Timestamp of user object created in the system | Y | |
id | Numeric | Auto generated user id | Y | |
status | 0 | 1 | Whether the user is active or not | Y | ENUM |